Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Facilitating Learning And Assessment In Practice

Introduction I am a registered nurse based in a ward that manages spinal and orthopaedic conditions among patients. Currently, I am finalising my training as a qualified mentor. This paper presents a reflective account of my experiences in facilitating, teaching, and assessing student learning during their learning practice. It also highlights the learning outcomes drawn from the experience. Due to ethical considerations of any academic publication, which demands confidentiality, and anonymity of the persons that were actively involved in my encounter, this paper omitted names or used pseudonyms in the development of the account (Polit & Beck, 2008). Practice-based learning provides the students with needed experience, which is an essential aspect of skill development that enhances their ability to effectively interact with clients as well as their families by developing the student’s communication, interpersonal, psychomotor, and technical skills (Myall et al., 2008). Practice-based learning is also an effective opportunity that allows the learners to link theory and practice, which are vital in the learner’s professional development (Zachary, 2011). Furthermore, practice-based learning is essential in a nursing career due to its vocational nature as well as its role in determining the learner’s clinical competency and hence protecting the public from instances of incompetency in nursing practice (NMC, 2008). Through demanding and instilling high standards of professionalism during assessments, practice-based learning makes sure that nursing students are able to effectively practice before they are registere d as nurses (Myall et al., 2008). This demonstration of my eligibility to assess and supervise nursing students in practice coupled with successful completion of this training will allow me to be an effective mentor in nursing (Price, 2007). Therefore, I will be able to actively participate in the development of future nurses that will meet the needs of patients, which are increasing in diversity and complexity (Polit & Beck, 2008). Nursing Standards In order to promote adherence to specific attributes that support assessment and learning in practice, the nursing standards offers specific guidelines that must be met by teachers, practice teachers and mentors (NMC, 2008). Specifically, the fixed requirements cover standards, frameworks, and information on the approaches for assessment in nursing practice. There standards are defined by eight domains including: leadership, evidence-based practice, context of practice, creating a learning environment, learning evaluation, assessment and accountability, learning facilitation, and establishment of valuable working relationships (NMC, 2009). Linking these domains to my own practice, I hold high regard for leadership and formation of useful working relationships. Establishment of good working relationships is essential in nursing as a nurse works together with the patients family in ensuring the best nursing care is provided for the patient (Polit & Beck, 2008; Appendix 1) enhancing the standards of care. Good working relationship is also important in minimizing the negative student experiences building on the student’s competency in practice (NMC, 2008). Consideration of the imperativeness of family-centred approach to nursing care and the promotion of good working relationships demands effective leadership. To be specific, leadership in my case involves influencing others, improving nursing care, and role modelling (NMC, 2009). This demands application of a situational approach to leadership when handling different leadership situations at work. In my work setting, leadership is broad ranging from handling the pa tient’s family issues, which requires participative leadership, or directing a practicing student, which demands assertiveness. However, it is imperative for a nurse to act in the best interest of the patient (Price, 2007) which can best be achieved through autocratic approach to leadership. Consequently, establishment of effective leadership and relationships require knowledge, skill, and experience and are vital in the provision of high-quality nursing care (Myall et al., 2008). There are several professional challenges that I encountered during the assessment which emanated from the complexities related to staffing levels and hastiness in the ward that negatively influence the quality of practice assessment (Polit & Beck, 2008). The sustained pressure from clinical commitments and the limited time availability affects the process of student supervision and assessment during practice-based learning (NMC, 2009). More so, there may be inconsistency in achievement, which affects the process of student assessment with regard to their fitness to practice (NMC, 2008). In other cases, some students in practice-based learning do not conform to the existing support systems for instances of failure limiting their learning and effectiveness of the assessment. In addition, the supervisor may be reluctant to fail an incompetent learner due to perception that he process is too complex or general poor assessment, this also posed a challenge in my practice. The existing nursing standards that guide learning and assessment of students in practice offer frameworks for nursing mentors. However, the document is limited, as it does not consider all competence assessment aspects (Myall et al., 2008). Therefore, some forms of assessment are subjective as much as the framework for assessment is provided due to the intrinsic nature of the nursing profession and the variations in nursing skill-set to be assessed. It is challenging to establish a comprehensive assessment of competency especially due to learners’ spontaneous action to utilise their skills, knowledge, and attitude from an emotional intelligence perspective (Bradshaw & Merriman, 2008). These issues are enhanced in situations where a mentor fails to fail instances of incompetency among learners (Myall et al., 2008). These problems are resolved through the use of sign-off mentors that offer final evaluation of the students before being accredited to be effective to service as pr ofessional nurses at the end of nursing training program (NMC, 2009). Consequently, more support to the nursing standards is needed to promote effectiveness of learning assessment for practice-based learning. This support is provided various nursing documents such as nursing guides, which offer strategies and support for practitioners in the nursing profession. Facilitating Learning and Assessment This is an important approach for assessing skills, knowledge and attitudes among nursing students (Price, 2007) and is complex in nature with the focus of promoting objectivity in the assessments (Bradshaw & Merriman, 2008). The ensure the diversity of the nursing settings are accommodated during the assessments, there are several assessment approaches that can be used in student mentorship programs including mini clinical assessment exercise, direct observation, case-based discussion, and mini peer assessments (Myall et al., 2008). Mini clinical assessment exercise offers an overview of student performance of key clinical skills. This assessment approach works both in routine patient encounter as well as ward environment. Direct observation of procedural skills involves observing a nursing student which conducting a clinical procedure where the observer provides necessary feedback at the end of the procedure. A good example of a clinical procedure that can be observed is preparatio n of a dressing trolley by a student. Case-based discussion, on the other hand, involves an interview aimed at exploring judgment and behaviour such as asking the student to list what he/she observed during a specific patient care program. Finally, mini peer assessments encompass a team of qualified professionals that offer feedback on the performance of an individual. The process of selecting the method of assessment should consider its cost effectiveness, educational impact, acceptability, validity, and reliability (Bradshaw & Merriman, 2008). Assessing a student’s craft knowledge helps the student to reflect and develop based on experiential learning (NMC, 2009). Effective assessment should focus on developing insights into a student’s craft and formal knowledge in order to understand the student’s ability to assess risks and utilise learned knowledge in meeting practice requirements (Price, 2007). There are four vital areas that cover student assessment, namely motivation, performance, skill, and knowledge. Even though continuous assessment is known to promote effective positioning of a student’s performance, it has limitations with regard to reliability and validity. Therefore, successful implementation of student assessment require coordination between service providers and educators to ensure the assessment approach is appropriate in terms of its summative and formative perspectives which are imperative in promoting a working linkage between theory and practice (Myall et al, 2008). Mentorship program in clinical setting is complex due to the pressure emanating from the need of sustained student assessment in front of the patients and their family as well as other professionals, which may raise anxiety among the students as well as assessors, which may negatively impact on the assessment process (Bradshaw & Merriman, 2008). Anxiety may be caused by a variety of reasons including curriculum changes, which may undermine the assessor’s competency, the student’s readi ness during assessment, and the assessors feeling of competency with regard to the assessment process. This portfolio outlines an assessment of the competency of a nursing student with regard to the appropriate use of pain assessment tools. I considered this to be vital in the profession of nursing due to the importance of pain assessment skills in nursing care as it is classified as the fifth vital sign in nursing (Murray et al., 2008). Considering the requirement that nursing students should actively participate in vital signs, developing this competency is vital for patient safety (Price, 2007). Further, I considered this assessment to be a direct observation of a procedural skill where I was available during the whole process while offering feedbacks and assessments on the process (NMC, 2009). To ensure the assessment was a success, I developed a plan that included a criterion for implementing the process as well as questions that were used for testing the levels of understanding exhibited by the learner. Furthermore, the assessment plan was developed with the consideration for th e student’s level of practical and theoretical learning (Myall et al., 2008). The questioned used in the assessment were open-ended to allow the student to offer the rationale behind their action path. This was important in developing deeper insight into the leaner’s competency, as well as promotes appreciation of diverse approaches to skills application (Murray et al., 2008). The assessment was initiated after ensuring the ward was quiet enough to minimise the effects of a noisy setting on the assessment program. The process commenced with an official introduction between me and the student as an approach to familiarization between me and the student to minimise instances of anxiety (Price, 2007). After that, I proceeded by informing the student my expectations, the timeline, and offered my reassurance that the process was not formal as I was just interested in observing the process and offering my feedback at the end of the process (Murray et al., 2008). As much as I managed to develop effective background information needed to establish an effective assessment void of anxiety, I did not inquire about the learner’s previous experience, which could have assisted in the assessment process. As much as I had previous encounter with the student, lack of enough background information hampered my effective participation in the growth of the student durin g the practice-based learning. Furthermore, I did not clearly identify the outcomes of the assessment at the beginning of the assessment. As much as appropriate information was provided and the environment was conducive, developing a summary of discussion could have enhanced the levels of student conceptualization of the expectations as well as minimize anxiety and confusion (NMC, 2009). When the student completed the first process, I asked the student several questions. These questions were established to evaluate the student’s communication skills, their understanding of the problem at hand, and general nursing skills (Murray et al., 2008). From the assessment, I observed that the student effectively communicated with the patient as well as the patient’s family a clear illustration of practical application of family-centred approach to nursing (Price, 2007). The student also effectively addressed the nursing situation at hand, as he utilised Wong-Baker pain rating to stabling the pain situation by the patient (Wong et al., 2001). After the student had gained an appropriate pain score, I asked the student a question regarding the appropriate frequency for observing pain, in which the response of the student was appropriate (Bradshaw & Merriman, 2008). From the case, it was evident that I had a problem with my communication skills as I had to repeat mys elf severally before the student could understand what I was addressing. Lowering my communication speed is necessary to enhance the student’s ability to comprehend the information given to them during assessment and minimise on instances where students are overwhelmed by information that is faster than their processing rates. I offered the student a feedback session with the aim of promoting proactive learning relation with the student (Murray et al., 2008). This feedback included active involvement of the student in the development of an action plan for dealing with the identified inconsistencies during the assessment. Considering that the student demonstrated competency in the skill that I was assessing, the action plan was centered on increasing the number of alternative approaches that can be used in applying the skill with the focus on increasing the student’s reflexive skill and hence a holistic competency (Zachary, 2011). The process of provision of the feedback considered developing a positive and constructive impact on the student to assist the student in building self-esteem, cultivating a positive working relationship as well as a supportive learning environment which are important aspects that reduces anxiety during nursing practice (Myall et al, 2008). Research has demonstrated that st udent-mentor relationship influences the student’s learning experience (Price, 2007) and therefore, effective communication between the mentor and the learner can illicit competency concerns at early stages to minimise instances of failure (Zachary, 2011). Even though the student and the mentor may feel sad due to a failed assessment, it is vital for the mentor to appreciate failure as avoiding to report of failure may have an adverse effect on the progression of the student (Bradshaw & Merriman, 2008). This feedback was provided immediately after the assessment session as an approach to providing the student with prompt support and offer immediate corrective measure for any unpleasant conduct exhibited by the student during the session (Zachary, 2011). Based on the assessment and my individual reflections on the outcomes, I identified various areas of my practice that require improvement. Specifically, my feedback on the assessment was limited and did not offer the student a wider scope on improvement. Furthermore, my speaking speeds need to be slowed to ensure effective communication. I also need to focus on developing in-depth background information about the student before the assessment as well as offering the student the expected outcomes of the assessment. In addition, asking the patient about the service will also enhance the determination of the performance of the student as well as development of an effective feedback. Reflective Commentary Mentorship is an important leadership characteristic (Zachary, 2011). Transformational leadership is founded on the ability of an individual to influence others through affecting their thinking. Adoption of this approach of leadership in nursing promotes autonomy as well as enabling the students to realise their full potential. It is also central to encouraging the development of excellent Interprofessional rapport (Myall et al., 2008). By becoming a role model at work through formulating solutions to problems that exist within nursing mentorship, I will be able to benefit myself as well as the student. This influence can also be transferred to other situations in the nursing environment, which will culminate to a better outcome in my nursing practice (Price, 2007). Common obstacles to mentorship such as staffing issues, hectic hospital environment, and clinical commitments influence my ability to perform as a mentor and hence the development of an effective relation with the student is essential (Price, 2007; Appendix 2). Due to the hectic nature of the nursing environment it is challenging to get time for developing a written feedback for the student however to enhance by mentorship capability I need to establish relationship with other mentors that is founded on sharing evaluation feedback as an approach to building my scope with regard to student evaluation. Being able to share with other mentors about feedback can also expand my evaluation to the benefit of the student. As much as this approach is effective in enhancing a student mentorship program in hospital settings, it is challenging especially in cases where other mentors are not interested in sharing their experiences and work limiting its usability. Promoting teamwork in mentorship can be an effective approach to overcoming this obstacle. Dealing with the problem of anxiety requires innate understanding of the student, which implies discussing with the student the most appropriate way for implementing the assessment. This is effective as it encourages the student to be actively engaged in the assessment program and also creating a better relationship between the mentor and the student (Zachary, 2011). Conclusion The process of student assessment is only successful if it is administered objectively and fairly. As much as this approach may result to some emotional distresses by both the assessor and the student, it is imperative for the success of a mentorship program and prevention of negative implications on the student’s advancement. It is also necessary for ensuring approved nurses are competent enough to guarantee patient safety. Therefore, I am determined to ensure that students that I mentor, assess and approve and fit and competent to service as nurses in their respective fields. To achieve this, I will focus on developing a closer working relationship with the students to ensure all competency issues are identified and addressed timely. This is important in ensuring the students that I encounter do not face surprises later during their summative assessment or even when practicing as registered nurses. Furthermore, involvement of the patients and their families in the assessment of my students will be a major trademark of my mentorship and assessment program as I regard inputs by the patient vital to determining the competency of the student nurse. Consequently, as much as the practice of assessment and mentorship is challenging and compound in nature, I believe that effective application of relevant knowledge and skills while focusing on the expected outcomes, it is possible to deliver efficiently in this function. This reflection process has enriched my understanding on the concept of mentorship and its significance in the nursing profession. It has also enhanced my perception of the concept of professional and personal development. I believe that if I eliminate the few areas of weakness that I have identified in the reflection, I will be able to offer effective mentorship and assessment for nursing students in clinical practice. References Bradshaw, A., & Merriman, C. (2008). ‘Nursing competence 10 years on: fit for practice and purpose yet?’ Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(10): 1263-1269. Murray, C., Grant, MJ., Howarth, ML., & Leigh, J. (2008). ‘The use of simulation as a teaching and learning approach to support practice learning.’ Nurse Education in Practice, 8(1): 5-8. Myall, M., Levett?Jones, T., & Lathlean, J. (2008). ‘Mentorship in contemporary practice: the experiences of nursing students and practice mentors.’ Journal of clinical nursing, 17(14): 1834-1842. Nursing and Midwifery Council, NMC. (2009). Additional information to support implementation of NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice. London, UK : Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Nursing and Midwifery Council, NMC. (2008). The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: NMC. Retrieved from Price B. (2007). ‘Practice-based assessment: strategies for mentors.’ Nursing Standard, 21 (36), pp. 49-56. Polit, DF., & Beck, CT. (2008). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Zachary, LJ. (2011). The mentor’s guide: Facilitating effective learning relationships. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Appendices Appendix 1: Critical thinking competency standards Source: Appendix 2: Essential competencies for an effective mentor

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Academic Joint Ventures And Business Aspects Education Essay

As with any concern partnership between an U.S. corporation and a Latin American corporation, universities that spouse to offer academic plans must see the fiscal and operational facets of such partnerships. This paper deals with international partnerships between universities as research labs for coaction between concerns. The elements that make for a successful articulation venture go beyond the academic issues of content and how that content is delivered to pupils. This paper deals with the concern and inter-university relationships in developing and implementing articulation or collaborative grade plans between universities. It does non cover with traditional exchange plans or double grade plans where one of the universities is the dominant establishment at which the pupils really earn the grade. ; instead the coaction here deals with the joint development and offering of course of study by the establishments as equal spouses that leads to the awarding of a joint or collaborative grade. Regis University, founded in 1877, is one of 28 Jesuit universities in the United States. The university enrolls more than 16,000 pupils who study at its Denver, Colorado campus, seven other regional campuses and on-line via distance acquisition. The University has developed relationships with the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, the National University of Ireland in Galway, Ireland, and ITESO in Guadalajara, Mexico every bit good as other relationships with schools in other parts of the universe. This paper concentrates on the relationships with the Ulster, Galway and ITESO for intents of the research theoretical account. The University of Ulster is the major university in Northern Ireland and is portion of the higher educational system in the United Kingdom. Ulster is similar to Regis University in that both have multiple campus that serve diverse populations and both have extended on-line educational plans. The National University of Ireland in Galway is involved in extended educational partnerships throughout Europe and in Asia every bit good as supplying extended go oning instruction grade plans for working grownups within the state. ITESO, located in Guadalajara, Mexico, is a Jesuit university as is Regis University. ITESO offers a important figure of academic and go oning professional development plans for working grownups and via its distance instruction scheduling. ITESO participates in an extended web of schools throughout North and Latin America every bit good as in Europe and Asia. Literature The educational literature has a great trade of research refering the traditional pupil exchange plans between international universities every bit good as survey abroad, and double grade plans, yet there is small about the development and operation of jointly developed and operated degree plans. The double grade plans in the literature be given to be coactions where one of the universities offers the grade ( typically the U.S. spouse ) and the other school provides pupils. In many instances these double grade plans allow the pupils of either school to reassign a specific figure of classs into the other grade and to take classs at each school. But the pupils are normally considered degree seeking at the dominant spouse in the relationship. What needs to be looked at is how we develop and guarantee that both the U.S. school and the school in the other state is a full and equal spouse in the coaction. One such partnership that seems to signal such a alteration is the joint partnership between the British Council and the state of Brazil. In an article depicting this partnership Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) stated that â€Å" ( vitamin E ) quality in the proviso of financess has a practical and symbolic significance aˆÂ ¦ , meaning that this is a coaction that sets out to replace traditional north-south relationships of giver and receiver with echt academic partnerships † ( P. 27. ) What the writers were seeking to state and what seems to be needed in developing such international coactions is that there is a demand for common regard and engagement where both organisations bring similar or complementary accomplishments and resources to the tabular array as opposed to the traditional theoretical account which typic ally has the U.S. or European university supplying the existent educational chances at the U.S. school with the bulk of the pupils coming from the other state. What their paper efforts to make is analyze the relationship between the U.S. school and the Latin American school in a different visible radiation. Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) paraphrased Altbach ( 1981 ) in which Altbach commented on the quandary 3rd universe universities so had in deriving acknowledgment even though academic public presentation and research in the 3rd universe had improved greatly over the old ages since World War II. It seems that the perceptual experience was that the establishments in the U.S. and Europe have the monopoly on cognition and the 3rd universe is in demand of that cognition. Such attitudes continue and have limited cooperation and coaction. Canto and Hannah believe that since the late 1970 ‘s schools in the U.S. and Europe have entered into horizontal partnerships that include three elements: â€Å" ( a ) the being of old cognition of the other spouse to set up realistic outlooks † which came from Samoilovich ‘s work in the 1990 â⠂¬Ëœs, â€Å" ( B ) the echt sharing of each other ‘s experiences † which they got from work done by Balan in the 1990 ‘s, and â€Å" ( degree Celsius ) the application of each other ‘s cognition instead than a one-way transportation † of cognition from the dominant school, which came from work done by Bor and Shute in the 1990 ‘s. ( 2001, P. 32. ) Some issues identified by Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) include: holding a clear apprehension of each spouse ‘s strengths and failings, holding a great trade of trust in each other, low degrees of struggle an equal partnership where both spouses are respected for what each brings to the relationship, acknowledging that linguistic communication can be a barrier, and holding regard for each school ‘s cultural differences. Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) besides looked at three links that need to be considered. These are linguistics, sociology, and engineering. Each of these demands to be considered when developing a partnership where both schools play an equal function in developing the academic course of study and be aftering the concern theoretical account for operations. This was re-enforced by Shaw ( 2006 ) who speaks to the importance of understanding political environments in each state every bit good as within each establishment involved in the partnership. He farther commented that the â€Å" ( s ) tability of a joint venture refers to the length of service of the relationship, and it is dependent, in portion, upon the combination and communicating between theaˆÂ ¦partners † ( P. 439. ) Shaw ( 2006 ) besides identified barriers that must be considered in developing partnerships in the academic sphere. These tend to back up what Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) noted in their research. Shaw spoke to fiscal support, division of work and control, struggle, cultural differences, and environmental factors ( P. 442. ) An interesting fact is that international joint ventures have declined in figure over the past decennary ( Popper, 2002 ) and while Popper is talking by and large about transnational companies, she notes that much of the diminution is because the spouses have different involvements. Popper ‘s remarks tend to back up the treatment above refering issues to be alert about when developing coactions between U.S. or European universities and their opposite numbers in Latin America. Chowdhury and Chowdhury ( 2002 ) remark that it is of import to develop â€Å" synergism among the spouse houses ( P. 52. ) They further speak to the symmetric houses holding an inducement for organizing the partnership in the demand to increase demand ( p. 57. ) If this is translated into an educational partnership, so the end may good be to increase demand for higher instruction in one or both states – or at least the demand for an instruction from the spouse schools. Finally Nadler and Nadler ( 1990 ) speak to the demand to see the homo resource demands in joint ventures. They commented that â€Å" the fluctuation in cultural norms from state to state should be recognized and understood † ( p. 71 ) when sing human resource issues. Each spouse may hold different accomplishments and cognition to impart to the coaction and this needs to be understood and planned for. Nadler and Nadler farther noted that both spouses in a joint venture must understand that each spouse may miss some human resources capacity and that may necessitate to be developed. Lessons Learned from Regis University and its Spouses Relationship Building The literature clearly noted that one of the keys to success with international collaborative ventures is the development of relationships ( Canto & A ; Hannah, 2001, Shaw, 2006, Popper, 2002, Chowdhury and Chowdhury, 2002, and Nadler & A ; Nadler, 1990. ) Based on an analysis of the international coactions between Regis University, Denver, Colorado and the three international spouses introduced before, relationship edifice likely is foremost in those elements that ensured success and when non to the full developed, resulted in failure. Prior to get downing to develop any academic plans with ITESO in Guadalajara and the National University of Ireland in Galway ( NUIG ) both schools spent considerable clip acquiring to cognize each other. In the instance of NUIG the partnership began with senior functionaries at both schools meeting through a 3rd party and so merely researching possible chances over a twosome of old ages. The same occurred with ITESO. Representatives of both schools foremost met through a conference sponsored by AJCU and AUSCAL in Guadalajara and so about a twelvemonth subsequently at an IAJBS educational conference. That led to farther contacts and visits. During these meetings and societal contacts, both parties got to cognize the people and their civilizations, and developed a trusting relationship. In the first instance, these contacts led to the formation of a joint Irish Studies plan online between NUIG and Regis University. The plan was designed to be little in order to develop a working relat ionship and has continued. Later that plan led to the development and execution of an on-line alumnus grade in package technology. The relationship at ITESO resulted in execution of a joint MBA grade where pupils from both schools can gain an extra grade from each by taking nucleus classs at the place establishment and so a series of classs at the other. This relationship is now leting ITESO and Regis University to look at traveling into a jointly offered grade for the remainder of Latin America. An illustration of a plan that likely failed because the relationship was non adequately developed before seeking to implement a plan was the joint MS grade in International Management between Regis University and the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland. Here the determination to travel forward was made really rapidly by the top decision makers in each school. No clip was allowed for the module of each university to acquire to cognize each other and work together before planning. This resulted in miscommunications about course of study, policies, civilization in each state and the schools themselves, every bit good as other administrative issues. When the Numberss of pupils did non happen in the beginning, it was easy to merely end the understanding. Relationship edifice in any concern venture is critical to the success of the venture. In higher instruction it may be even more of import since the success of the joint venture or coaction depends on people wholly. The strength of the Regis-NUIG relationship is a personal 1 between a twosome of persons at each establishment that has led to other personal relationships between module and staff at each school. While there is a common linguistic communication, there are still differences in civilization and model. ITESO is a Jesuit university as is Regis University so there was an bing bond, yet it was the development of the personal relationships between module and staff at both schools that ensured a successful partnership. Fiscal Issues Fiscal issues can be a deal-breaker if non handled suitably in any joint venture, but possibly even more so when working across international boundary lines. The development of a strong trusting relationship will assist both spouses work through struggles that may originate refering who contributes what fiscal and physical resources and how disbursals are accounted for. The relationship with ITESO was assisted by a grant from the First Data/Western Union foundation that provided monies to make some conferences in Mexico for civil sector workers and organisations with ITESO and others taking a leading function in Mexico. The grant besides provided dollars to get down be aftering a certification ( sheepskin ) plan in the civil sector country and for conveying some module from ITESO to Regis during the summer intensives the University holds each twelvemonth. From this get downing the concern and direction modules began speaking about the joint MBA construct which subsequently developed into the current offering between the two schools. There are a figure of ways to develop the concern program that can impact the fiscal resources needed for the successful execution of the collaborative attempt. One theoretical account is to merely hold each school wage for its ain costs and so split the grosss generated. This avoids the job of finding methods for apportioning disbursals. Each establishment decides what budgetary disbursals should be included in the undertaking. It may besides avoid the job of costs at one location being more or less than the other. One disadvantage may be that the theoretical account relies on each to equitably back up the operational disbursals. If the coaction is online there likely needs to be some expression for the on-line production and hosting of the classs. Sharing the grosss besides has advantages and disadvantages. It does presume that there is some equity in the Numberss of pupils recruited by each spouse ; otherwise, it is possible one school is lending more than the other. A 2nd theoretical account is to still hold each school budget its ain disbursals, but have each school keep the grosss it generates through its ain recruiting attempts. This theoretical account might include each school counterbalancing the other when a pupil takes a class ( s ) from the other school. Or each school merely keeps the gross it generates. The advantage to this theoretical account is that it is clear and each school is individually at hazard. The disadvantage is that presuming costs are equal in most instances, one school may bring forth more gross than the other one and therefore the partnership might be uneven. A 3rd theoretical account is to develop a individual agreed upon budget and so apportion costs based on what services and resources are provided by each establishment. It follows that grosss would besides be allocated on a similar expression. This theoretical account ensures that each school is accountable to the whole since each has a interest in the result. Like the old theoretical account the challenge will be to maintain some kind of para in the relationship. Costss for such coactions include: selling and recruiting disbursals, production costs for online development, module and staff costs, aggregations disbursals and other administrative operating expense, and start-up disbursals. Depending on the size of the coaction these can be rather dearly-won to each organisation. Each of these will be dealt with in assorted subdivisions of the paper to follow. Another component of fundss to believe about is the international pecuniary exchange rate and how that is calculated. Historically, the exchange has been based on the U.S. dollar, but in the current economic environment the fluctuation in exchange rates takes on an importance that may non hold been at that place in the yesteryear. If the two schools portion grosss, it can be debatable finding at what point the exchange rate is fixed. Along with the exchange rate is the inquiry of whose currency payments are made in. Each spouse may be bear downing tuition in its ain currency which makes it hard to find if the charges to pupils are tantamount. Such dialogues have had important impacts on the coactions between Regis University and its spouses. The coaction with NUIG requires each spouse to budget its ain disbursals, nevertheless, there is a expression for points such as selling disbursals and some overhead that vary between states. In Europe it is common to non bear down pupils for required texts and to utilize other beginnings, while in the U.S. pupils typically pay for their ain books and more frequently than non text editions are required. How do the spouses determine an just manner of covering with these differences? Both Regis and NUIG agreed on a expression for dividing the grosss earned from pupil tuitions ; of class, during the first few old ages at that place have ever been minor dialogues as to how that works at the terminal of the twelvemonth when the transportation of monies occurs. With the coaction with ITESO, the current undertaking has each school responsible for its ain disbursals including selling and enli sting. Each school besides charges its ain tuition for all classs in the plan and so each spouse compensates the other for those classs taken at the spouse school by its pupils. However, ITESO and Regis University came to an understanding on what the tuition would be for this plan. Compensation for pupils taking classs at the other spouse is in that school ‘s currency. For the Ulster venture, the allotment was more complicated and included negociating all disbursals and costs every bit good as the tuition rate. Each school shared in the budget based on a negotiated expression. This proved to be slightly dissentious. If either establishment is come ining the understanding with the purpose of functioning 1000s of pupils and doing important net incomes they will probably be disappointed. While larning from one another and come ining markets that might hold been out of range are surely worthwhile and come-at-able ends, doing more than a modest net income is non. The financials developed prior to come ining the understanding between Regis University and Ulster promised tremendous net income. The failure of this net income to happen was one more nail in the casket of that venture. One lesson learned was that maintaining it every bit simple as possible is in the best involvement of both spouses. While the ITESO coaction merely late the purpose has been that this theoretical account will ensue in a better direction procedure for disbursals. Merchandise Development Here we speak in footings of course of study development every bit good as production of online classs. It is likely that occupants in each state or part of the universe will hold different demands and desires when it comes to the course of study, how that course of study is offered, and what is expected in the manner of work. The modules at both schools need to come to understanding on what the course of study will include in order to outdo service diverse pupil organic structures. The modules of ITESO and Regis University spent considerable clip working together on placing the acquisition results for a collaborative MBA and what classs might be appropriate and the sum of clip it might take to finish the grades. In the instance of this partnership it was decided that each school would go on to offer classs that already exist. In add-on it was determined that each university ‘s pupils needed to finish the nucleus at the place school and so take five classs from the other school which would transcripted at both. ITESO teaches its classs in Spanish and Regis teaches its classs in English. For the NUIG coaction, each school became responsible for developing half of the course of study, so dialogues centered on what type of classs and content ought to be included and which school is responsible for which courses. This procedure took considerable clip and communications between the modules at each school. For most of the classs each school was able to accommodate its ain class work for the coaction. Regis University and the University of Ulster besides developed a theoretical account where each school developed half of the course of study ; nevertheless, it was decided to get down from abrasion. The construct included both modules working together on the content. This created important jobs in coming to understanding and probably besides contributed to the eventual expiration of the understanding. Production includes finding who and how classs will be written and produced for on-line presentation. It is imperative that the classs be offered on one platform so the understanding needs to specify which school hosts the plan and how the modules of the two schools participate with the development squad. Selling Determining the mark market is a important facet of the coaction. The other inquiry that must be asked and answered is who is responsible for making the selling and enlisting. In the instance of the Ulster coaction, the negotiated understanding stated that while both schools would make selling, Regis University would be responsible for most of the attempt. Ulster would host the classs on its WebCT platform. This proved to be a job since the Regis selling squad had no experience selling a plan in another state and had to play catch up. With both ITESO and NUIG each school markets to its ain market, which seems to be a better attack. This besides means that each school identifies who the mark market will be. In the instance of the Ulster coaction it was Regis University ‘s function to place the European market which proved to be much more hard than idea. Consideration must be given to making marketing surveies in the states to be involved. Such surveies need to include who are the possible pupils, their companies, whether the companies assist in paying the tuition, and what the tuition scope will be. If the coaction will include offering the degree plan beyond the two states, what are the planetary considerations. Agreement is needed between the spouses on what is to be marketed. Here once more cultural differences and regional differences play a portion. What may work in the U.S. is non needfully what will work in Latin America. One inquiry to inquire is whether the possible pupil population is ready and willing to take part in the plan. One premise is that a combined U.S./Latin American or U.S./European grade is something that will be sought after if offered. And if so are pupils willing to make so via the cyberspace. It appears that leting each spouse to make its ain selling is the best option for a figure of grounds. These include cognition of the local civilization and peoples, cognition of the types of selling that work best, and costs included. For illustration in the North American market making internet gross revenues may be a better attack while in Europe direct gross revenues may work better. Technology Technology is non merely the platform and class direction system to be used in offering the coaction. It besides includes cognizing what engineering the possible market has entree to, the set breadth in the states and sub-regions of states, costs of entree to the cyberspace, and even clip zone issues that affect use. Latin America has long used orbiter transmittal and wireless transmittal for certificate/diploma plans since these engineerings have been available. Switch overing to the cyberspace to convey educational plans is a new manner of making this, and the possible pupils need to hold entree to the engineering. And they need to desire to make so. One of the lessons obtained from the Ulster coaction was that the selling survey showed that pupils in northern Europe had ready entree to the cyberspace and to the engineering to entree it. At the same clip the farther South in Europe one went the less likely it was that possible pupils would entree the cyberspace either because of no involvement or because there was non ready entree. A inquiry for the partnership with ITESO is that one time it expands beyond the regional country served by ITESO, will possible pupils have the engineering and entree to take part. In some instances this may necessitate a committedness from the individual ‘s employer to supply entree through the corporate web. Legal and Governmental One frequently does non believe about or see the legal and governmental issues that can be involved in international coactions. This is a important facet of concern partnerships since international trade is governed by many regulations and ordinances. In most academic exchange plans there are few limitations even for double grades when merely one spouse really offers the grade. However, for the types of partnerships addressed by this paper, there are many considerations. First are accreditation issues. For Regis University, the Higher Learning Commission ( HLC ) of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges ( NCA ) must at least reappraisal such coactions prior to their execution. For the spouses there may be a demand to hold the instruction ministry for the state review the undertaking and O.K. it. Such blessings are required if the grades are to be jointly awarded and the course of study is being shared by both schools. Issues include transcripting of credits and the grades, module makings, academic quality and appraisal, and many other concerns. There may be specific governmental limitations or regulations that must be met in each state. These may be academic constituents or things like pupil funding issues, travel limitations, visa demands if pupils travel between states, pecuniary policies, and contract regulations and ordinances. An interesting obstruction discovered after the partnership was ready to get down in Ireland was the find that Irish Constitution requires any grade offered by NUIG to be entirely awarded by the National University of Ireland. That created jobs since NUIG and Regis had planned on presenting a joint grade for the alumnus grade in package technology. The solution was to hold the pupils decide which state he/she wanted the grade from after which the pupil completed the finishing touch for that university. Besides the grade being awarded from either NUIG or Regis University, the schools jointly give the pupils a parchment that describes the joint venture and that the grade is recorded at each school. The University of Ulster did non hold such jobs since it is located in Northern Ireland which is portion of the United Kingdom. Ulster was authorized to find its ain grade awarding regulations and so it was all right to present a joint grade. However, Ulster believed there were other regulat ions that affected how the plan could be structured. In both instances outside judges needed to be involved at the terminal of each twelvemonth to reexamine pupil advancement and base on balls on whether the pupils met academic criterions. This was something new for Regis University. The stiff regulations in Northern Ireland likely besides contributed to the struggle that finally resulted in the plan being terminated. ITESO must run into the academic regulations in consequence in Mexico ; nevertheless, because of ITESO ‘s position with the instruction ministry, it is authorized to develop a coaction that includes jointly presenting grades. In add-on the Mexican higher instruction system operates in a mode more similar to the United States theoretical account. Another regulative issue involves standards used by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business ( AACSB ) which frequently requires that both spouses be AACSB accredited. This lone affects concern and direction plans, but since that is the country where most of these ventures will happen the regulation is important. If pupils must go to the other location, in-migration regulations apply. This could be an obstruction for some. Faculty certificates and makings are besides something to see. The accreditation organic structures will interested how each spouse evaluates and assesses the certificates of the module involved. Regis University and its spouses have chosen to follow standards that province that each school accepts the credentialing procedure of the other school. Language Language is an of import factor. Even when the coaction is between an U.S. school and a European one ( including Ireland and the UK ) there are communicating jobs since idioms may be well different and difficult to understand. The issue of linguistic communication is even more of import when the partnership is between an U.S. university and one in Latin America. One inquiry to reply is whether all or some or none of the module demand to be bilingual to take part in the plan? This seems to hold been resolved with the Regis/ITESO coaction. Since the classs taught by ITESO are in Spanish and the 1s taught by Regis are taught in English, it was decided that being bi-lingual is non necessary. It is necessary of the pupils, nevertheless. Clarity is besides something to see in joint ventures. Given cultural and linguistic communication differences it is really of import to often corroborate that all parties are speaking about the same things. Even when there is a common linguistic communication, such as American English and British or Irish English, false blood relations ( i.e. disciplinas and Disciplines ; cursos and coursesaˆÂ ¦ etc. ) further complicate the affair. Frequent rewording and reappraisal aid to get the better of such jobs. As Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) noted, linguistic communication can be an obstruction and must be considered. Language besides impacts how each spouse approaches selling. Leadership Issues Effective leading is a must in any coaction. The senior leadership/management at both spouses must be actively supportive of the venture. This includes a committedness for both administrative and fiscal support every bit good as supplying ample resources for module. Without such committedness it will be much more hard to implement and keep the coaction. However, such committedness can besides be a negative if each spouse does non affect the in-between direction leaders and module early on. One illustration of where leading ended up being a major job was the coaction between Regis University and the University of Ulster. The understanding to travel forward was made by the Vice Chancellor of Ulster and the petition to take part came from him without much work done to develop the relationship with the Faculty of Business and Management at Ulster. There was opposition to this new venture, particularly since the module believed they were already successful and were non certain they wanted to make this undertaking. Both schools besides appointed module leads who did non pass on good with each other which all excessively frequently met struggle and dissensions. On the other manus, the senior leading at both ITESO and NUIG were supportive from the beginning, but they knew that it was of import to construct the relationship foremost. In both instances the presidents or other senior leaders encouraged coaction and allowed for the relationship to develop. Faculty were besides empowered. This reduced the likeliness there would be opposition and struggle. Any clip there are alterations in leading and/or structural alterations to an establishment it may do it more hard for a fledgeling understanding to travel frontward. Any relationship such as those described in this paper is bound to ab initio be dependent in portion on the personal relationships established between the representatives of the establishments instead than between the establishments themselves. Merely with clip will be relationships become institutional instead than personal and even so it is incumbent on both establishments to proactively work to guarantee the on-going verve of the relationship. Leader support is critical to such enterprises since resources need to be committed and there is a likely demand to use fund long before any plan is really launched. Academic Outcomes Obviously academic quality is cardinal to any coaction. Students in such ventures want to be assured that the grade will be respected and will open doors. One ground pupils will desire to matriculate in such joint coactions is to acquire a place in an international organisation, whether that is in computing machine scientific discipline or concern. This takes on-going and uninterrupted work and coaction between the modules, appraisal of larning results, and guaranting quality experiences for pupils. Part of this includes working with the spouse. For illustration, in the coaction with NUIG, both schools committed to utilizing the outside reviewer theoretical account to yearly measure and measure pupil achievements. Training and go oning instruction for module is critical in such partnerships. Faculty from different states must work collaboratively. To make this these must be commitment to academic quality every bit good as quality and readily available pupil service and advising. Concluding Notes There are first-class grounds to look at organizing international coactions to offer joint grade plans. Such coaction ensures international Bridgess between states and civilizations. In a changing universe environment it may be even more of import that pupils and module, particularly at the alumnus degree, experience international civilizations and instruction. Much of what must be practiced externally in order to do such coactions work is no unlike that which should be in topographic point internally. Transparency, regard for one another, financial duty, realistic outlooks, quality control and a shared desire to function pupils and learn from one another surely will do such coactions more likely to win. It is besides of import to acknowledge that they may non all win and that larning from those that do n't is merely more likely to do subsequent attempts, with the same or different spouses, more rewarding. Jesuit instruction attempts have reached out to the universe since shortly after Ignatius of Loyola brought together his little set of comrades. Ignatian humanitarianism and spiritualty tell us that it is of import to get down with a individual ‘s experiences and so to construct on them, to convey understanding among all peoples. International coactions to offer joint grade plans bring these Jesuit values together across boundary lines and across oceans.

Standard Deviation and Cumulative Frequency

Statistics-1 1. One thousand candidates sit an examination. The distribution of marks is shown in the following grouped frequency table. Marks|1–10|11–20|21–30|31–40|41–50|51–60|61–70|71–80|81–90|91–100| Number of candidates|15|50|100|170|260|220|90|45|30|20| (a)Copy and complete the following table, which presents the above data as a cumulative frequency distribution. (3) Mark|? 10|? 20|? 30|? 40|? 50|? 60|? 70|? 80|? 90|? 100| Number of candidates|15|65|||||905|||| b)Draw a cumulative frequency graph of the distribution, using a scale of 1 cm for 100 candidates on the vertical axis and 1 cm for 10 marks on the horizontal axis. (5) (c)Use your graph to answer parts (i)–(iii) below, (i)Find an estimate for the median score. (2) (ii)Candidates who scored less than 35 were required to retake the examination. How many candidates had to retake? (3) (iii)The highest-scoring 15% of candidates were awarded a distin ction. Find the mark above which a distinction was awarded. (3) Total 16 marks) 2. At a conference of 100 mathematicians there are 72 men and 28 women. The men have a mean height of 1. 79 m and the women have a mean height of 1. 62 m. Find the mean height of the 100 mathematicians. (Total 4 marks) 3. The mean of the population x1, x2, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. , x25 is m. Given that = 300 and = 625, find (a)the value of m; (b)the standard deviation of the population. (Total 4 marks) 4. A supermarket records the amount of money d spent by customers in their store during a busy period.The results are as follows: Money in $ (d)|0–20|20–40|40–60|60–80|80–100|100–120|120–140| Number of customers (n)|24|16|22|40|18|10|4| (a)Find an estimate for the mean amount of money spent by the customers, giving your answer to the nearest dollar ($). (2) (b)Copy and complete the following cumulative frequency table and use it to draw a cumulative frequency graph . Use a scale of 2 cm to represent $20 on the horizontal axis, and 2 cm to represent 20 customers on the vertical axis. (5) Money in $ (d)|

Monday, July 29, 2019

Answer the three questions by writing at least a page stating your Essay

Answer the three questions by writing at least a page stating your opinion on each question - Essay Example I, like majority of Americans support death penalty. I have a number of reasons for supporting death penalty. The first reason for supporting it is informed by the belief that retribution is a crucial remedy for crime committed. In particular, I consider death penalty as a natural human response to heinous crimes such as murder. If the defendant is found guilty of taking away a life of another human being, then the life of that particular defendant should also be taken, as that is the only punishment that measures to the crime. The second reason for supporting death penalty is informed by the belief that it will act as a deterrent for other persons who may be considering or may consider in the future to commit similar crime. The severity of death penalty will make it less likely for a person to commit a crime that calls for such a punishment. The final reason for supporting death penalty is incapacitation; this punishment ensures that a convicted offender will not have a chance of co mmitting the same crime again as society will get rid of him or her completely. #2: Do convicted murderers spend too much time on death row before their sentences are carried out? The duration that convicted murderers spend on death row prior to the carrying out of their sentences has emerged as one of the topic of interest regarding the death penalty, recently. It is disturbing to know from the available data that some death row inmates have spent over 20 years on death row awaiting execution. What is more disturbing about this situation is the fact that during this delayed time, these inmates are generally isolated from other inmates, as well as being excluded from prison employment and educational programs. While there are those who think that convicted murderers do not spend too much time on death row before their sentences are carried out, I believe that they do. I think that murderers do spend too much time on death row, a thinking that is informed by available data and statis tics. According to Death Penalty Information Center, the duration that the murderers in the United States spend on death row has become increasingly longer in recent years. Using data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Death Penalty Information Center states that the average time between sentencing and execution of murderers in the United States is 178 months (Death Penalty Information Center para 7). This data confirms that indeed murderers spend too much time on death row before their sentences are carried out. This long duration takes huge toll on the inmates, their families, and on the taxpayers. While death penalty proponents and opponents alike agree that careful review that may require longer time is imperative, they agree that too much time is harmful and justice system should find ways of reducing this unacceptable long duration. #3: Can you be a good American and not vote? Traditionally, voting rights have been considered as central to democratic citizenship. Citizensh ip generally implies a bundle of social, political, and civil rights, all of which can greatly be reflected through voting. Essentially, citizenship is a full membership status in a self-governing polity. This conception involves the electoral rights where citizens participate in collective self-government through voting for representatives or directly. Often, it is through voting fo

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Outlined based on the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Outlined based on the questions - Essay Example This paper will focus on the Roman, the British, and the Third Reich empire and how they handled their computer administration systems (Black, 2002). The Roman Empire The Ancient Roman Empire began its history as a city-state. The early Roman Empire culture was unique and had a significant influence on the Western world. Rome is known to be an empire that conquered many territories around the Mediterranean Sea. Rome grew into a huge empire because of how it applied technological concepts and ideas in its activities. Roman Empire had powerful administration systems that it used to handle information of individuals and the cities it conquered. This empire would then use the information to give citizenship to the people of those cities (Black, 2002). Roman Empire applied its technologic systems in recruiting its army and administrative purposes such as in voting. Roman Empire relied on agriculture to drive the economy. The infrastructure was made using stone, sand and marrum, which is, still used today where a multi-layering technique was used to ensure stability of the road. Therefore, the ideas and concepts of the Roman Empire are still in use4 today only that modern administrative systems are used today. The Roman Empire had a significant influence on the Western World and continues to do so today (Black, 2002). ... For example the First Generation computers (1951–1959) were made using vacuum tubes as the storage device. Subsequent developers would advance on this original work by replacing various hardware components in order to deliver a more faster and powerful Product. An example is the work of Charles Babbage who was a British mathematician, inventor, philosopher, and mechanical engineer. Babbage invented the first programmable computer that eventually inspired more complex designs such as the abacus. Another example is The Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), that is also referred with the term â€Å"Baby† (Black, 2002). This was the world's first stored-program computer and although initially it was not meant to be a practical computer, it was actually meant for a test bed for Williams Tube, which is the earlier memory device. Baby was built by Frederic C. Williams, Geoff Tootill and Tom Kilburn at the Victoria University of Manchester in the early 1950s was a powerful administrative system with many functions in the British empire owing to its ability of rapid manipulation of numbers (Black, 2002). After the development of Baby, the subsequent computing hardware devices were developed and categorized into various â€Å"generations† based on the technology that would be used. Third Reich The Third Reich,  is the official Nazi designation for in Germany dating from January 1933 to May 1945, and presumed as the official successor of the medieval and early German Empire from 1871 to 1918 referred as the Second Reich. The IBM and the Holocaust book tells the story of IBM's conscious or direct involvement or through its subsidiaries in the Holocaust. Besides this, the book tells of IBM’s involvement in the Nazi

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Andrew Jackson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Andrew Jackson - Essay Example He chose John C. Calhoun as his vice president and after a fall out Calhoun resigned in 1832 and Martin Van Buren became vice president in 1833. As president, he was very passionate about upholding popular democracy and individual liberty and pleaded to the congress to amend the constitution to allow for democracy. As a result, he recommended for abolishment of the Electoral College so that the president and vice president could be elected by the people and for them to serve a single term. Adams was also against the second national bank and thus abolished it when he became president. He cleared all the federal debts before vetoing renewal of its charter (Mintz 639). In politics, he also initiated the spoils system thus rotation of political appointments so as to do away with bureaucracy. He also initiated the removal of Indians or Native Americans from America to the west in areas like Arkansas and west of Mississippi River. Some of the controversies during his time were Indian Removal Act which was seen as an ethnic cleansing strategy thus not popular. He also through the spoils system replaced many federal employees with political opponents from his party who had no experience (Mintz 638). Another challenge was the nullification crisis. Some states were calling for secession due to disagreements over tariffs which were unfavourable to the South planters. This was the cause of fallout with his deputy Calhoun as he supported the southerners. Jackson used every opportunity to praise union or a strong federal government although he also advocated for state rights (Ogg 164). He also had to deal with a severe depression in 1837 due to his insistence on paying government land in terms of gold or silver rather than cash. This led to collapse of many banks as they did not have such

Friday, July 26, 2019

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Logistics & Supply Chain Management - Essay Example This essay declares that the production department manufactures the clients’ required products during the next sales period, the production department must contact the purchasing department. The production department must check to determine if the purchasing department orders the minimum required raw materials needed to manufacture the goods needed by the marketing or sales department. In terms of defining the road map, the inventory management aspect of XYZ Company is one of the many activities under the road map. Inventory management includes the manufacturing department’s responsibility of filling the client’s current needs, wants, and caprices. This paper makes a conclusion that XYZ Company which is one synergetic section of a large multi-national American organization they assemble transmissions for the North American Truck market. Further, The inclusion of computers to trace the current location of the company’s purchase requests will increase the XYZ Company’s decision making policies. The incorporation of computer technology and computer tracking system will ensure just in time resolution of a current supply chain bottleneck or hindrance. The use of roadmaps will aid the company to easily make better connection between the arrival of the XYZ Company’s raw materials purchases to the production of much-needed finished goods and services. The timely delivery of the finished products and services will enhance the XYZ Company’s service quality image among its current and prospective customers.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Personal ethics development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal ethics development - Essay Example The process of testing rules comprises of its universality i.e. can the rules be universally applied to everyone or it treats people as ends but not the means. Every individual has some of the sources where he or she draws some of the basic principles in life that forms the basis of what is wrong or right behavior. In several instances, the following are some of the major sources of ethics. Childhood upbringing- every person learns ethics from his or her parents through either words or most importantly through their actions. I learned some of the ethics by observing and listening and observing what my parents as I grew up. Life experience- at a later stage in life, some of the events directly and consciously shapes the ethics of an individual. For instance, an individual who was treated unfairly during a road accident may most likely have negative attitude in life towards people who treated him or her unfairly. Religious beliefs- nearly most of the religions in the world teach similar code of ethics that emphasizes on respect for other people’s rights, honest and selflessness. Therefore, whether in business or in business situations, religious people act in a manner that is seen as being ethical A person’s ethics can be displayed in the place of work since an individual and the organization can both affect each other’s actions and behavior. Team leaders have a great impact on their team’s behavior and ethics. A place of work is a good place to learn ethics since employees affect each other’s psychology and moral behavior. Therefore employees act as each other’s source of inspiration Good ethics assist an individual in understanding his or her working environment. It also assists an individual to wheedle with team members both in junior and senior positions in a friendly way. This assists in creating conducive working environment thus increasing the performance level. A

Rob Blagojevich Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Rob Blagojevich - Research Paper Example In the end, the governor received 14 years in prison, of which he will have to serve 12 years. Since this was one of the longest prison sentences on record for a public official, the message in this case is that corruption will end in prison. Introduction Rod Blagojevich was an Illinois Governor who was probably one of the most, if not the most, corrupt politicians of all time. This governor was involved in several â€Å"pay to play† schemes, which means that he would only give political favors if he received something in return, mainly campaign contributions. He was wiretapped by the FBI, and was heard on tape discussing these schemes. They include a corrupt deal involving a tollway, a horse racing track and a children's hospital. He also was caught attempting to extort the editors at The Chicago Tribune, stating that, if they did not fire certain editors and start giving him favorable press coverage, he would block the sale of Wrigley Field, which was a deal that the Tribune was attempting to make. The most egregious example of corruption, however, and this example made him nationally famous, is the deal regarding the vacant senate seat of Barack Obama. The governor was caught on tape attempting to sell this seat for political favors for him and his wife, or, in the alternative, substantial campaign contributions. The government brought charges against him with regards to these incidents, in the case of The United States of America v. Rod R. Blagojevich and John Harris, AO 91 (Rev 5/85). The final trial where the governor was convicted of 17 charges of corruption was in May and June of 2011, with the sentencing of 14 years occurring in December of that same year. In the end, the message to not only Blagojevich, but to corrupt individuals everywhere, is simple – if you engage in corruption, then you will pay. The Events The events that eventually led Rod Blagojevich into prison were long-standing and wide-reaching. Indeed, he was probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of politics. The summary of what Blagojevich was involved in can be stated in the words â€Å"pay to play.† In other words, Rod was shaking down multiple players in efforts to enrich himself as governor. The tollway project was $1.8 billion, and Governor Blagojevich was privately seeking the person to benefit from this contract to contribute $100,000 to Blagojevich’s campaign (Justice Department Briefing on Blagojevich Investigation). Other examples include a shakedown involving Children's Memorial Hospital. The governor awarded $8 million funding for this project, and was privately asking the CEO of that hospital to make a $50,000 contribution to him. When the contribution was not forthcoming, the governor was intercepted by the government on the telephone, asking that the funding for the hospital be rescinded. A 2007 horseracing scandal was also included in the 76 page complaint against the governor. In this case, the gover nor had a bill on his desk that would divert money from casinos in the state and put this money into horseracing tracks. A phone interception showed that the governor was seeking $100,000 from an individual who was working with the person who was attempting to get the bill passed. The governor further stated to this individual, and this was also intercepted by the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A critical Literature Review of academic support through tutorials for Assignment

A critical Literature Review of academic support through tutorials for student nurses - Assignment Example For one thing, the ratio between the teachers and the taught may be overwhelming and secondly, infra-structural and settings may not favour a one to one interfacing between the teachers and the taught. Besides, online tutorials, although convenient may not be readily available and under graduate students may not be conversant with the modalities of online learning, unless trained and guided by seniors, till such time, required degree of proficiency is attained. Therefore, effective academic support from tutors is an integral part of the study in order to achieve a positive result. â€Å"Tutorial, a term often used in the computer related training, refers to an instructional lesson that leads the user through key features and functions of things such as software applications, hardware devices, processes, system designs, and programming languages. The tutorial typically is set up as a series of steps that progress through levels of difficulty and understanding.† (Computer programming software terms, glossary and dictionary-T, 2010). Changes within the educational system cause many students to move out without proceeding for higher education. The components of changing educational systems bring limitations to the students and they find it to be very difficult to meet the requirements during the study. In the area of nursing, it has been found that many of the nursing students are not interested in proceeding with their study because of the current changing educational systems. They are being dropped out of the program after a few years of the diploma level of nursing. One of the solutions that have been established for those who are interested in nursing is to seek help of tutors. â€Å"Students require a higher level of personal and emotional support and â€Å"increasingly both academic and personal tutoring roles are being merged, and academic problems are often a front for an underlying personal issue.† (BMAF annual conference

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments Essay - 8

Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments seriously undervalue the benefits that globalisation has delivered for all countries 02084 - Essay Example This stimulates an even platform for all countries in their endeavours to import or export products to or from other countries. The policy allows sharing of trade and imports or exports without extra cost, i.e., there is reduced cost in terms of trading items between countries (George & Wilding 2002). This policy of globalization enhances relationship and understanding amongst countries globally. In addition, it has created an opportunity for the formation of formal and informal international institution such as World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc. These have played a significant role in ensuring that there is equitable distribution of resources across the world. Therefore, developed countries are now taken into consideration in the global platform. This has played reduced poverty levels in the world and improved the employment rates. A very good example is the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the European Union. These two represent good examples of free trade and the p ath towards globalization. Currently, the world has experienced a lot of transformation as a result of globalization. The communication infrastructure has improved tremendously. Some of the remarkable changes in communication sector are the entry of internet and social media in the world. In addition, there is a great development of telecommunication sector in the world. People are now able to communicate with others who are located in different parts of the world. This factor has had a great transformation in the business sector. Entry of internet in the world has open up a platform for business to interact and market its products at very low costs (Germain 2000). The businesses are now able to get feedback from their clients an aspect that is enabling them to produce goods with features that are demanded in the market. This has played a crucial role in reducing loses that were incurred due to changes in consumption behaviours.

Monday, July 22, 2019

How Muslim practises reflect Islamic teaching on the role and status of women Essay Example for Free

How Muslim practises reflect Islamic teaching on the role and status of women Essay Explain how Muslim practises reflect Islamic teaching on the role and status of women Islamic teaching and theories are such so that they can be applied to modern life. Islam recognizes the fact that men are generally physically stronger than women, but does not place men above women. They are given different skills to do so women are given the duty of providing food for the hungry, refuge for the weary, hospitality for the guest, comfort for the distressed, peace for the troubled, hope for the insecure and encouragement for the weak. They are expected to cook for the family, clean and give love to her husband. This sounds all very one sided, however marriage in Islam is a team effort- the husband has his expectations and requirements to. Islam treats women as equals to men and that their role is as important as men. The rights of a woman are sacred; ensure that women are maintained in the rights assigned to them [Hadith] A Muslim woman has the right to stay a virgin, unmolested by anyone. She has the right to be looked after when in pain. She does not have to fast during Ramadan, because she is going through so much pain, therefore she must be treated with respect. It is a privilege given to women because Islam recognizes the crucial role they play in life. Since they are burdened with the responsibility of upholding the home and bringing up the children, she is not expected to work or earn money. Allah says in Quran, surah 2, verse 228, and women shall have the rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable A man came to Prophet Muhammad asking, O Messenger of Allah, who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said, Your mother. The man said, Then, who is next? The Prophet said, Your mother. The man said, Then, who is next? The Prophet said, Your mother. The man further asked, Then who is next? Only then did the Prophet say, Your father. This shows the importance that Islam gives to women. Islamic teaching about modesty states that men and women, but especially women, should cover themselves up and present themselves modestly so that men do not stare at them. This is not compulsory however, but most women choose to do it anyway. This shows that women do not feel that they are treated inferior to men and being forced to wear it. Instead of totally covering themselves up completely in some countries, they just dress modestly by covering their heads or wearing a scarf. They never wear anything tight. Modesty and faith are joined closely together; if either of them is lost, the other goes also. Every religion has a special character; the characteristic of Islam is modesty [Hadith] This is an example of how Islamic teaching about women is applied in every day life. Men also have to dress modestly. Women do not have to go to the mosque, but instead pray at home. This reflects the teaching about women having to bring up the household. Since this is their duty, they are allowed to pray at home. Because women are not seen as objects, but as equals to men they are given a dowry from the husband when they get married. This is to show that the woman is not just an object to fulfil any sexual desires, or work for him, but that she is a human being. A man being allowed to have more than one wife is not just a benefit to the man. The woman chooses whether or not she wants to marry a man with a wife already, or if the man she is marrying is allowed to have more than one wife after her. It is entirely her choice. By allowing her husband to have more than one wife she will benefit by the fact that there will be someone else to help her bring up the children and to bring up the household. The man is allowed to have more than one wife, but the woman decides it in the end. In Islam, the woman can have any job she pleases, since they are equals. If a woman chooses to work, it is entirely her choice but she does not have to. The husband should treat the wife with respect and not take her for granted. He should not think of her a servant and that she must make his dinner. She doesnt but she probably does because marriage in Islam is give and take. He should consult her when making decisions, because women are just as important and clever as men. So Muslim couples discuss things and work things out together and do not take each other for granted. Women have as much of a right to pray in a mosque as a man, since everyone is equal. All people are equalas the teeth of a comb. No Arab can claim merit over a non-Arab, nor a white over a black person, nor a male over a female [Hadith] What happens is that the men pray at the front, while the women pray at the back behind a sheet or curtain. The reason for the men being at the front is not that men are superior, but to prevent any flirtatious thoughts by the men and help them focus on Allah rather than the opposite sex. There are many rules concerning women, and these have been incorporated into modern life so that they still hold true to the rule.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Social Class and Education Essay

Social Class and Education Essay Education is a significant institution in our society as it serves to fulfil many functions and provide opportunities for children. One important role that education plays is carrying out the process of secondary socialization where the education system teaches children the norms and values of society in a way that the family cannot. Education performs certain functions such as providing children with skills needed for work, learning about religious and moral beliefs, national languages and also about the history of the nation. Therefore it can be seen that education performs an important role in childrens lives by socializing them into the future members of society and teaching them about the values of success and achievement which enables them to be open to many opportunities in society (Fulcher Scott, 2007). However education combined with social class can create inequalities for children in their lives and this study of inequality within education remains a key area of study in the sociology of education and is also of great importance in shaping educational policies in Britain. Research has shown that inequalities in the education system do still exist in Britain where it has been shown that the higher a persons social class the higher the levels of achievement an individual is more likely to achieve. It is these types of findings which have led to a large array of study about educational inequalities and why they still persist in Britains education system. These inequalities can affect children from lower classes and their life chances through a variety of ways such as through micro and macro causes in society which will be analysed in turn (Haralambos Holborn, 2007) Macro Causes We will first look at the various macro causes in the wider structures of society which causes educational inequalities for children. These include material deprivation. 1. Material Deprivation This theory highlights the importance of material goods and resources needed for educational achievement. Material deprivation has been defined as including ‘poverty, overcrowding, ill health in parents,child neglect and lack of basic amenities in the home and neighbourhood (Silver,1980,p40). It is these factors which seem to affect children from working class backgrounds due to low incomes in the family which prevents them from achieving at school as they lack the basic resources such as books, correct diet and study space in the home needed to succeed in their studies. Also as many of these lower working class families are seen to be in poverty as evidence shows that a high percentage of children participate in part time employment after school hours to improve their situation at home and to relieve some of the financial pressure off their parents . This leads to children aiming to cope with earning money through paid work but also finding the time to study for their school w ork and gain qualifications (Heaton Lawson,1996). Furthermore Halsey Heath and Ridge (1980)examined reasons for inequalities existing in education for the working class and found that middle class children were more likely to go to school and continue on to higher education than the working class and this was partly due to lack of money and income in these households causing differential educational achievement compared to children from affluent backgrounds. However they did argue that material factors was not the only primary factor causing underachievement as children from materially deprived backgrounds have succeeded, they believed that cultural factors such as parental attitudes and encouragement played a key role in childrens educational attainment at school ( Abercombie, Warde Deem,2001). We will now look at how cultural factors can have an impact in creating inequalities for children. 2. Cultural Deprivation Cultural deprivation has been defined ‘as a situation in which parents provide a child with little in the way of linguistic stimulation and take minimal interest in their education and when they have limited opportunity for play or other experiences which are helpful to their intellectual development- in short when their environment is barren and unstimulating ( Silver,1980,p40). This theory recognises that instead of material factors causing inequalities it is the cultural factors in fact that causes working class children to perform differently in schools compared to their middle class peers. It is argued that working class children are disadvantaged because working class subculture fails to transmit the correct norms, values and skills needed for high achievement in education (Fulcher Scott,2007,p323). Also low value is placed is placed on educational achievement and working class subculture focuses on immediate gratification where they are encouraged to leave school early and earn money rather than opting for deferred gratification which middle class adopt where education is seen as a path for success later on in life where they can enjoy the benefits of having a high paid job and high statuses (Henslin, 1996,p 190). J W B Douglas study of ‘ The home and the school (1962) supports the cultural deprivation theory. Douglas conducted a longitudinal study in 1962 of 5,362 British children and followed their educational careers up to the age of 16. He divided the students into different social class groupings and found that there was different variations in educational achievement between students who had similar academic ability but came from different social classes. He found that within the ‘high ability group the majority of the lower working class children left school in the fifth year compared to only 10 percent from the upper middle class. Douglas argued that the single most important factor causing these differences in achievement between middle and working class children is the level of parental interest and encouragement for their childrens education. He argues that working class parents showed little interest in childrens progress at school whereas middleclass parents encouraged children to do well at school, continue in further education and also paid more attention to their childrens progress through frequent meeting s with teachers. However overall although we can see that parental interest can effect childrens attainment it cannot be viewed as the only factor in explaining class differences in educational achievement. Blackstone Mortimore (1994) argued that working class parents were unable to attend parents meetings due to demands of their manual jobs and also working class parents try to encourage their children in education but they lack the certain social skills that middle class parents occupy in order for their children to gain advantages from the school system. So therefore it is important to note that many other factors play a role in creating inequalities for working class children and also that many culturally deprived behaviours could also be due to a lack of money (Haralambos Holborn, 2006, p737-739).

Gas turbine engine

Gas turbine engine TURBINE BLADE COOLING ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION It is well known from the thermodynamic analysis through literature survey that the performance of a gas turbine engine is strongly influenced by the temperature at the inlet to the turbine. Figure 1 illustrates the relation between the specific power output and turbine rotor inlet temperature. There is thus a growing tendency to use higher turbine inlet temperatures, implying increasing heat loads to the engine components. Engine manufacturers have recognised this for some time and have been continuously increasing turbine inlet temperature, especially during the last three decades. The blades are cooled by extracting air from the compressor stages. Modern gas turbine engines are designed to operate at inlet temperatures of 1800-2000K, which are far beyond the allowable metal temperatures. Thus, to maintain acceptable life and safety standards, the structural elements needs to be protected against the severe thermal environment. This calls for the design of an efficient cooling system for these elements. Rotor blade of high pressure gas turbine is such a critical element and hence the blade metal temperature should not be allowed to exceed beyond a value at which the life or safety standards cant be met. It is required to cool the blade in such a way that the amount of heat transferred from the externally flowing hot gas to the blade should be removed by an appropriate cooling design to limit the very high temperature. STRESSES IN THE BLADE Rotor blades of gas turbine are subjected to very high rotational speeds of the order of several thousand rpm and also are exposed to a variable thermal environment. Hence these blades are subjected to different types of stresses of different magnitudes and directions. As it is known, that the strength is a function of life and working temperature the net stress at any section of the blade should not exceed the maximum allowable value. The control on the blade metal temperature is the only way to sustain the stresses for the designed life of the blade for a specific operating condition and life requirement. Therefore to know about the cooling requirement, stresses should be predicted correctly on the blades at different sections. There are mainly four types of stresses with that rotor blades are being subjected; Centrifugal tensile stress Gas bending stress and Centrifugal bending stress Thermal stress 1.1. Centrifugal tensile stress Centrifugal stress in the rotor blade is due to the rotation of the blade. It is tensile in nature. This is the largest in magnitude but not necessarily the most important because it is almost a steady stress. When the rotational speed of the blade is specified, the allowable centrifugal tensile stress places a limit on the annulus area but does not affect the choice of blade chord. This stress is the basic cause of the blade failure due to the creep. 1.2. Centrifugal bending stress If the blade design is such that the centroids of all the blade cross-sections at different radii, taken perpendicular to the radial direction, do not lie in the same radial plane, centrifugal stresses arising in the blade will try to bend the blade. This type of stress arising due to the different directions of the centrifugal stresses in different blade sections is called as centrifugal bending stress. It will produce compressive stress in one side of the blade whereas tensile stress in the opposite side. Any torsional stress arising from these centrifugal stresses is small enough to be neglected. Thus this stress is very sensitive to manufacturing errors. 1.3. Gas bending stress The force arising from the change in angular momentum of the gas in the tangential direction, which produces the useful torque, also tries to bend the blade about the axis of rotation of the blades. The stress arising due to this bending force is called as gas bending stress. There may be change of momentum in the axial direction and in reaction turbines there will certainly be a pressure force in the axial direction. All these two will produce a bending moment in the blade about the tangential direction. The gas bending stress will be tensile in the leading and trailing edges and compressive in the back of the blade and with tapered twisted blades either the leading or trailing edge suffers with the maximum value of this stress. This is a fluctuating stress and its value becomes maximum when the rotor blade passes through the leading edge of the stator. 1.4. Gas bending stress Turbine blade is subjected to three-dimensional temperature gradients, along the blade height, along the blade profile and along the thickness of the blade. Due to these temperature gradients the blade fibres tend to deform unequally. This unequal deformation causes mainly two types of stresses to set up in the blade, compressive and tensile. As the blade considered is un-cooled therefore the contribution of the stress due to the temperature gradient along the thickness of the blade in net stress is not appreciable and can be neglected. Usually with the cooled blade this source of stress is main among all the sources of thermal stress. Again the thermal stress due to the temperature gradient along the blade height would not come in picture because the blade is free to expand along the height. Only the stress due to temperature gradient along the chord of the blade will contribute in net blade stress but its magnitude would not be much because the temperature gradient along the chord is not so high. BLADE MATERIAL AND STRENGTH Gas turbine blades are exposed to a very severe thermal atmosphere. The temperature is so high that it is fairly much more than the melting points of the common high-strength materials. Besides high temperature the requirement of durability is also another factor, which makes common materials unsuitable for use. Only super alloys may be suitable for this purpose. But the current trend of continuously increasing the turbine entry temperature attracted the concentration of the designers not only towards the new materials with well-improved mechanical and thermal properties but also to restrict the temperature of the blade material by its proper cooling. So, the material should have sufficient strength to face the operating situations. 1.5. Strength of blade material In ordinary temperature conditions the strength of the material under constant loads is estimated by tensile strength or yield strength. At high temperatures under action of constant loads in ordinary structural materials there appears the phenomenon of creep. It occurs as a result of prolonged exposure of materials to high stresses at high temperatures. This is particularly a acute problem on highly stressed rotating turbine blades and it occurs in the form of slowly and continuously developing plastic deformation. And excess of this plastic deformation causes the failure of the component. It is observed that at constant stress the higher the temperature the more quickly proceeds the process of creep i.e. the lesser the life of the component. It means that at a particular stress lesser will be the temperature higher will be the life of component. Therefore life of the component is a function of working temperature and stress. Hence to maintain the life of the component at a desire v alue it is required to lower the temperature of the component. Gas turbines operate in conditions of high temperatures and therefore in highly stressed components like rotor blades there appears the phenomenon of creep. Therefore for these cases where creep is the main criterion behind component failure the ultimate tensile stress is defined as the stress at which the component fails at a certain working temperature after the expiry of a certain period of time. It means that the strength of the material subjected at high temperatures is a function of this temperature and its operational life. PAST COOLING The technology of turbine cooling was recognised by some almost from the inception of the first turbojet engine. Cooling studies were first performed in the 1940 and many investigations were carried on in the 1950s. Around 1960, turbine cooling was first used in a commercial aircraft engine. Since that time, there has been a very rapid rise in turbine inlet temperature that has placed an even greater emphasis on turbine cooling. A continuous improvement in high-temperature materials has also helped to increase the turbine inlet temperature. The cooling technique used during 1960s was single internal passage convection cooling. The air used for cooling was injected through the root of the blade and to the internal aerofoil.